Professional Profile
Osman was born 31 December 1971 in Sakarya,Turkey. He completed his primary and secondary high school education in Sakarya. In 1989, Osman passed his university exam and began education at Ankara University Law Faculty.
He finished his university education in 1993. A year later, in 1994, he did an internship at the Sakarya Bar Association. After passing his exam research assistant in Pamukkale University Ekonomic and Administrative Faculty, Trade Law Department, Denizli, Turkey, Osman began hisresearch assistant duty in Denizli, Turkey.
As soon as he began hisresearch assistant duty, he began his masters education at İzmir, Dokuz Eylül University Law Faculty. His masters education was related commercial law and insurance law. Osman finished his master education in 1996 receiving a masters with distinction of ‘’science specialist’’.
After he completed his masters, he enlisted in the army in 1997, and finished his military service in 1999.
When Osman finished his military service, he returned to Sakarya and opened a law office in 2000. He has been working as a lawyer since 2000.
He became an insurance arbitrator in 2011 and has been working as an insurance arbitrator since then.
Osman went to Paris-France in 2012 at the İnternational Chamber of Commerce for İnternational Arbitration Training. For this reason, he resided in Paris-France for a short period of time.
He went to the Hong Kong Arbitration Week in 2015, attending multiple seminars and conferences on arbitration.
Osman's international arbitration articles have been published in various magazines across the globe.