Professional Profile

Justice Shah is the former Judge of the High Court of Gujarat in India.

Having served 22 years as a judge, Justice Shah has decided on almost 17,000 cases during his career, before transitioning to arbitration in 2019 upon his retirement from the bench. Since then, Justice Shah has presided over 8 different arbitration disputes.

He was appointed as Member of the Standing Committee of the Supreme Court of India for monitoring the E-Committee which focused on the computerization of the entire judiciary in the country. As the head of the E-Committee of Supreme Court of India, his role was looking after computerization of Courts throughout India under the e-Court Project.

Justice Shah is an avid speaker having delivered several lectures to Judicial Officers and Judges of different States at Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur and other places as well as Students of C A & C S. Justice Shah also gave the address to scientists of Forensic Science at Kolkata in their National Conference.

Justice Shah is fully equipped to handle disputes all nearly any subject matter, and his adjudication capabilities are highly sought after.


Ahmedabad, India



Proficient Language(s)


Main Profession


Current Ocupation


Gender Identity


Date of Birth

February 2, 1957

Employer and/or Professional Affiliation(s)


Bar admissions

Former Judge of the High Court of Gujarat

Degrees / Certificates / Education

B. Sc - Bachelor of Science with Microbiology,
LL. B. - Bachelor of Laws with Labor Laws,
LL. M. - Masters of Law with constitution.

Professional Training

No separate training but 22 years experience as a judicial officer.

Arbitral institutes that they are listed as an arbitrator with

High Court of Gujarat
Delhi High Court
Gujarat Chambers of Commerce & Industries

Arbitral institutes that they have experience with

High Court of Gujarat
Gujarat Chambers of Commerce & Industries

Have they ever been a judge


Years of experience as a judge

22 years

Highest court level appointed as judge

Judge of the High Court of Gujarat

Jurisdictions in which they were a judge


Highest value of dispute adjudicated as a judge

More than 17000 cases were dealt with and decided (no data is available regarding highest claim amongst them)

Are they a full-time arbitrator


Date of first appointment as arbitrator

April 24, 2019

Date of most recent appointment as arbitrator

January 4, 2022

Number of appointments as arbitrator


Highest value of arbitration dispute appointed as an arbitrator for

USD 5,000,000

Number of appointments as chair on an arbitral tribunal


Number of arbitral awards issued


Applicable jurisdictional laws to arbitration that they have experience in

Almost all subject of Civil nature, barring few as per list below.

Value of arbitrator liability insurance