
Oct 07
Dr. Tariq Mahmood Featured in LexisNexis’ The MENA Business Law Review

Co-authored by Dr. Tariq Mahmood, Usama Munir, and James Ng, Dr. Mahmood’s…

Oct 06
Outcome Related Fee Structures: An Innovative Claim Funding Method in International Arbitration

Introduction The world of international arbitration is demanding innovation. The…

Sep 28
Arbitration Development in Canada: A Push for a Unified Commercial Arbitration Law

The Arbitration Act Reform Committee of the Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society is…

Sep 02
Never too Late to Arbitrate: Texas Supreme Court Compels Employment Arbitration after Nine Years of Litigation

On 22 April 2022, the Texas Supreme Court opened a new chapter in the sage of In re…

Aug 31
Anja Bolz awarded Chartered Arbitrator status with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

On 31 August 2022, Anja Bolz was awarded the coveted Chartered Arbitrator status by…

Aug 22
First Encounter with Morgan: Ninth Circuit Tests SCOTUS Ruling for Waiver of Right to Arbitrate

In March of this year, the US Supreme Court (“SCOTUS”) ruled in the matter of Morgan…

Aug 18
UK Ministry of Justice unveils Proposal for Mandatory Mediation

In late July 2022, the UK Ministry of Justice introduced a proposal for a mandatory…

Aug 17
Vancouver International Arbitration Centre introduces New Rules for International Disputes

This past year saw several arbitral institutes across the globe introduce new rules of…

Jul 26
High Court of England and Wales sets forth a Test for the Validity of Arbitrator Appointments

Appointing an arbitrator is considered to be the first challenge parties face with…